When you think about your body, does it make you happy?
If you answered NO, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, 91% of women feel this way, too. And I used to be one of them, so I know exactly how that feels.
Have you ever felt like life is passing you by because you’re “stuck” in a vicious cycle of body shame and obsessive dieting?
Have you felt the daily stress from never feeling comfortable or confident in your body?
Have you found yourself starting to give up on the idea of ever being happy with your body?
And if you have children, have you worried that they might be learning or inheriting the same destructive thought patterns?
If so, you’ve come to the right place.
This is the place to be if you’re ready to finally break free from the guilt and the shame; from the frustrating and exhausting search for the “perfect” diet, nutrition or fitness plan; and from the information-overload by the gazillions of experts out there.
Why? Because deep down, you know that there’s more to the solution than just food and fitness. And that’s exactly what Building Body Love – From the Inside-Out is all about.
It’s not just about food and fitness
If the strategy was just a simple as following an eating or fitness plan diligently, all our body-image and weight problems would be solved. There are some truly amazing experts out there who are extremely skilled at giving us information and inspiration to improve our diets and lifestyles.
But these are only surface-level, topical solutions to symptoms of a deeper underlying problem.
And by only addressing the problem on this level – such as by trying to find the “perfect” diet solution or fitness program, or to eliminate over/binge-eating – results will always be short-lived.
We need to start from the inside and work our way out.
You probably already know this intuitively.
Perhaps you can appear confident at work and in social settings, but deep down, you don’t really feel good about yourself (I was certainly a genius at faking confidence!). And even though your loved ones tell you they love and appreciate you exactly the way you are, it’s hard to fully receive this because you still want to feel better about yourself.
If this is ringing true for you, I hear you sister. I’ve been there!
I know what it feels like to see the road ahead and feel totally overwhelmed because it seems there’s so far to go – especially not knowing exactly what advice to follow to move forward. And I know what it’s like to feel out of control and stuck in life because of it.
Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of options out there to help with getting unstuck, other than programs for improving our physical health. We’ve been so brilliantly sold on the idea that we can “fix” everything with a diet or fitness program, and yet without the inner work, these programs – no matter how amazing they are – won’t help us yield the long-term results we’re looking for.
And the great news is that this inner work doesn’t have to feel like “work” at all!
Thankfully, I discovered a new path that helped me personally break the pattern that kept me stuck for over 15 years of my life. And the great news is that this process is actually enjoyable! It doesn’t require intense therapy (which I do think can be helpful, but it’s often a can of worms that not everyone is prepared to open; nor is it always necessary), or any drastic measures to turn your life upside down.
Yes, you CAN feel amazing in your body, AND have fun at the same time.
Through my Body Love coaching and programs, I now support women all over the world to gain the emotional freedom to feel happy, strong and energized; to nourish their bodies with ease; and to fall in love with their bodies—and lives—in the process.
Want to learn more?
I love helping women like you create breakthroughs in your health, energy and confidence. Together we’ll work to unlock your true magnetic beauty, vibrant energy, and authentic joy. You can choose from any of the following programs/products to support you along your Body Love journey:
Body Love Coaching offers customized, one-on- one coaching and accountability. A great fit for those looking to fast-track their results and get cracking on those bigger life goals. Learn More
Body Love Coaching – Group is for consistent, action-oriented support in a coach-led group environment. Ideal for those who want affordable access to weekly motivation, a supportive community, and the regular (loving) kick-in- the-pants to keep you focused and moving forward. Learn More
Body Love Breakthrough is a 7-week online course in which I teach the enlightened path to feeling beautiful, energized, and fulfilled, inside and out. Learn more
Self-Talk Detox is a guided body-love meditation (with BONUS Body Love Journal) for those looking to increase confidence and eliminate negative self-talk, body shame, and self-sabotage on a subconscious level. Learn More
Finding Your Forever Body is a 10-Step guide in which I share the secrets to my life-altering journey towards unconditional body love, as well as expose the truth about dieting, uncover problems with the food industry and unpack stereotypes that lead to negative body image. Learn More
YOU, Beautiful You is a fun and uplifting kids’ eBook to help remind our children (and our inner children) of the definition of true beauty. Learn More
Free Tools
Blog: A variety of articles and videos on the topics of Self-Care, Self-Acceptance and Self-Empowerment. Read more
Email: Get weekly tips, resources and updates that I only share by email. Receive my free report on The Top 7 Reasons Diets Don’t Work (and what you can do about it!) – a full chapter excerpt from my book Finding Your Forever Body – when you subscribe. Subscribe here
Social Media: Connect with me on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube where I share more insights, inspiration and personal anecdotes for true Body Love, inside and out.
What is Body Love Coaching?
In a nutshell, it’s a direct path to feeling confident – not only in your body, but in WHO you are.
Body Love coaching helps you peel back the surface layers of food and body image struggles, to reveal the real authentic you; and support you in creating a lifestyle that’s completely aligned with real you.
If food and body image were no longer distractions for you, what would be possible in your life?
If you could return to enjoying the pleasure of eating, get back in tune with your body, and feel sexy and confident in every day life, what would be different?
If you were no longer stuck in a vicious diet cycle, or distracted trying to figure out your food or body weight “situation,” what would you be doing, creating, or investing your time and energy into?
So many people try to do it alone, and wind up frustrated and exhausted from information-overload and constantly trying new (often conflicting) solutions. Then they end up stuck; never moving forward the way they envisioned for themselves.
Can you relate?
Though it’s definitely not a pattern to be ashamed of (we’ve all been there), the cause can often be linked back to this truth: it’s damn hard to go it alone!
We humans are creatures who appreciate and NEED guidance, support, connection and accountability – especially when we’re trying to change our behaviours and habits for good.
Body Love Coaching offers all of that, and more.
Removing the Obstacles
You know – even if deep down – that you’re destined for bigger things in life. You have dreams. Goals. Visions. Passions.
But have you noticed how many distractions surround you every single day that pull your focus away from them?
Mainstream media and social media are a couple of the most noteworthy ones, which, unfortunately, can create internal obstacles that keep you from moving forward in the direction of your dreams. These obstacles generally come in the form of:
- toxic negative self-talk and self-doubt,
- paralyzing perfectionism (ie. if you can’t do it perfectly, you don’t do it at all), and
- energy-sucking guilt and shame from not measuring up to standards about what you “should” be, do, or look like.
For most people, the reason that their results with health (diet, fitness) programs are often short-lived, if achieved at all – and that their dreams subsequently haven’t materialized – is that the obstacles haven’t been removed.
And it’s extremely difficult to remove them alone.
To remove the obstacles for good, you need someone who’s 100% in your corner
When seeking support for removing the pesky obstacles, you want someone:
- who believes in you,
- who will challenge you to discover and shine your gifts,
- who will help you see your real beauty and worth,
- who will hold you accountable to taking steps toward your true desires,
- with whom you can be vulnerable and confide in when you’re feeling shame and guilt, and
- who will never judge you.
And when it comes to Body Love, you also want to someone who can educate, motivate and empower you to make and maintain the health-supportive changes you want to make, permanently.
If this sounds like what you’ve been looking for, and if you’re ready to move on from a pattern of “just getting by” to finally going after what you truly want out of life, then follow the steps below to schedule your free 30-minute discovery session to see if Body Love Coaching is the right fit for you.
- Enter you Name, Email, and Phone number in the form below.
- Watch your email for a message from me, including a link to book your preferred session time, as well as a list of questions to answer before our call.
- At our scheduled session time, I will call you at the number you’ve provided, and we’ll run through a session to see if we’re a great fit before you commit.
- If you decide it’s the right fit for you, we’ll arrange a coaching plan to suit your needs, and book your initial Goals Clarification (90-min) session to get you started.
Sign up to receive the email instructions for setting up your free call: